EU standard socket ntse plug nrog USB

Lub qhov hluav taws xob lub qhov hluav taws xob tau txais kev tsim qauv ntsug, uas yog compact thiab tsis nyob hauv qhov chaw, tsib sab ntsaws daws teeb meem ntawm ntau cov kab, ntse ceev them ntau yam kev tiv thaiv, thiab intimate kev ruaj ntseg guarantees ua txhua yam kev nyab xeeb thiab tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Khoom Parameter

Duab Kev piav qhia EU/Fabkislub qhov (socket) lub zognrog USB
 E04 C Khoom siv Hluav taws kub retardant PC
Rated Voltage 220-250V
Rated Tam sim no 16 A
Cable ntev Clear 1.4M ntshiab tooj liab
Chav ntsuas hnyav 450g ua
Khoom loj 75 * 75 * 95mm
Xim lub thawv 76 * 76 * 234 hli
Thawv loj 400 * 400 * 250 hli
Qhov chaw 4 EU qhov hluav taws xob nrog 2USB A thiab 1TYPE C
Ntim Xim lub thawv, 25pcs / CTN
Warranty 2 xyoo
Daim ntawv pov thawj GS CE ROHS daim ntawv pov thawj
USB tso zis 5v 3.1 ua

Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov khoom

Lub ntiaj teb no yuav yog qhov chaw zoo dua, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo dua, yog tias cov khoom siv peb siv muaj cov ntsaws ruaj ruaj.Hmoov tsis zoo, feem ntau ntawm peb cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis tuaj nrog cov khoom siv loj loj uas npog cov qhov nyob ib sab, nkim lub qhov hluav taws xob tag nrho, tab sis qhov tsim tshwj xeeb PowerCube zam qhov hluav taws xob thaiv, ua kom yooj yim thiab ua haujlwm zoo.
1. Dimensions: 75 * 75 * 95mm
2.Number of jacks: 5 power jacks for modelwithout USB interface, 4 power jacks for model with USB interface.
3. Fais fab qaum ntev: 1.4 meters (wired version).
4.Rotating embedded buckle, hloov tau yooj yim disassembly, qhov twg koj xav muab tshuaj txhuam.
5. Cov khoom siv PC/ABS kub resistant, tsis kam txais kev nyab xeeb
6. Vertical integrated tsim, compact thiab tsis nyob qhov chaw, multi-sided plugs daws teeb meem ntawm ntau kab
7. Kev tiv thaiv: kev tiv thaiv overvoltage / overcurrent tiv thaiv / tiv thaiv zoo li qub / tiv thaiv luv luv tiv thaiv / tiv thaiv hluav taws xob tiv thaiv

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb